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Bee activity and beehive weight | |
Aktivität und Stockgewicht | |
L'attività delle api e il peso delle arnie | |
Kupvikten som ett mått på binas aktivitet | |
Waga ula jako miara aktywności pszczół | |
Teža panja kot merilo aktivnosti čebel |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Weight |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Bee larvae | |
Bienenbrut | |
Le larve dell'ape | |
Czerwie - larwy pszczoły | |
Pcelinje leglo | |
Čebelje ličinke |
Authors | Christoph Bauer |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Temperature, Diagram |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Pollen analysis | |
Pollenanalyse | |
Analisi del polline | |
Analiza pyłku kwiatowego | |
Analiza cvetnega prahu |
Authors | Christoph Bauer |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Lab work |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson, Video |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 2 lessons |
Can a bee colony fall sick? | |
Kann ein Bienenvolk krank sein? | |
Può un alveare essere ammalato? | |
Czy kolonia pszczół może zachorować? | |
Ali lahko čebelja družina zboli? | |
Može li se pčelinja kolonija razboljeti? |
Authors | Christoph Bauer |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Weight, Diagram |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Magnetoreception | |
Der Magnetsinn | |
Il senso del magnete | |
Zmysł magnetyczny | |
Magnetorecepcija | |
Magnetska recepcija |
Authors | Christoph Bauer |
Subjects | Physics, Biology |
Tags | Weight, Diagram |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 2 lessons |
Forest or flower honey | |
Blüten- oder Waldhonig |
Authors | Peter Pany, Werner Schalko |
Subjects | Chemistry, Biology |
Tags | Lab work |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 3 lessons |
Urban bees | |
Stadtbienen | |
L'ape di città | |
Urbana bin | |
Pszczoła miejska | |
Čebele v mestu | |
Urbane pčele |
Authors | Christoph Bauer, Norbert Baur |
Subjects | Biology, Geography |
Tags | Weight |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 2 lessons |
Viennese transect of bees | |
Wiener Bienen-Transekt | |
Dunajski čebelji transekt |
Authors | Peter Pany, Werner Schalko |
Subjects | Biology, Geography |
Tags | Diagram |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 4 lessons |
When are bees most active? | |
Wann sind Bienen fleißig? | |
Quando sono più attive le api? | |
När är bina flitigast? | |
Kiedy pszczoły są najbardziej aktywne? |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Weather, Temperature, Diagram |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
What do bees do at night? | |
Was machen Bienen nachts? | |
Cosa fanno le api di notte? | |
Vad gör bina under natten? | |
Co robią pszczoły w nocy? | |
Kaj delajo čebele ponoči? |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Weight |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
What happens in a beehive on a hot day? | |
Was passiert an heißen Tagen im Bienenstock? | |
Cosa capita in un alveare in un giorno caldo? | |
Vad händer i kupan under varma dagar? | |
Co dzieje się w ulu podczas upałów? | |
Kaj se dogaja v panju v vročih dneh? | |
Što se vrućim danima događa u košnici? |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Temperature, Diagram, Lab work |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Honey bee life cycle | |
Entwicklungsstadien der Honigbiene | |
Stadia rozwoju pszczoły miodnej | |
Življenjski cikel medonosne čebele |
Authors | Christoph Bauer |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | Lab work |
Level | Lower secondary education |
Media type | Lesson |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 2 lessons |
How to control varroa ticks in a BeeBIT eHive |
Authors | Paolo Fontana |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | |
Level | Tertiary education |
Media type | Presentation |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
How to start breeding bees in a BeeBIT eHive |
Authors | Paolo Fontana |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | |
Level | Tertiary education |
Media type | Presentation |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Teching with the eHive | |
Unterrichten mit dem eHive |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | |
Level | Tertiary education |
Media type | Moodle-Course |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 20 lessons |
The bee colony | |
Der Bienenstaat |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | |
Level | |
Media type | Video |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |
Bees in the BeeBIT eHive | |
Die Bienen im BeeBIT eHive |
Authors | Dr. Monika Aufleger |
Subjects | Biology |
Tags | |
Level | |
Media type | Video |
Published | 2016 |
Scope | 1 lesson |